
Elias Baumgarten | 07.06.2021


What do architects think about important future issues such as climate change or digitalization? How do they envision a sustainable building culture? What solutions do they have? What framework conditions do they need in order to fulfill their tasks and responsibilities in the best possible...

John Hill | 09.09.2019


Klaus Littmann's FOR FOREST - The Unending Attraction of Nature has taken over the Wörthersee Stadium in Klagenfurt, Austria, supplanting football matches until the end of October.

John Hill | 08.05.2019


Later this year, Klaus Littmann will turn Wörthersee Stadium in Klagenfurt, Austria, into a temporary art intervention inspired by Max Peintner's 50-year-old drawing The Unending Attraction of Nature.

John Hill | 15.06.2015


The S-Bahn-Station Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz in Leipzig, Germany, is a wonderous space of concrete, glass block and light, the product of a collaboration between architect Max Dudler and lighting designer Andreas Schulz.

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