Nash Tiny House
Starkville, USA
Nash Tiny House serves as a weekend home for a couple while visiting their daughter in college. The house is located on unused family property outside of Starkville, MS, and is sited in the exact location as a fishing trailer that belonged to the client’s father. This location takes advantage of a natural clearing in the pines and offers western views of the pond. Outside of typical living spaces, the client requested a sleeping loft and a prominent porch.
The design situates one continuous roof and wall plane, with a single ridge at the sleeping loft, around the volume of interior spaces. The full-length porch sits in the space created between these two elements. The plane is clad in galvanized standing-seam metal panels as a regular vertical meter against the sculptural pines and the remaining exterior walls in charcoal corrugated metal panels as a third scale of vertical lines. Metal panels, pressure treated wood, and concrete masonry units were selected as exterior materials for durability and low maintenance required between sometimes infrequent visits.