
Losinger Architekten

Haus zur Allmend, Zürich

Switzerland, 2009

w:architekten GmbH

Wohnhaus C

Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 2015

Die Lage wird geprägt durch die sehr schöne Aussicht nach Süden die bei guter Witterung eine spektakuläre Fernsicht bis zur schwäbischen ...

Manderscheid Partnerschaft Freie Architekten

Iller 21

Reutlingen, Germany, 2017

Die 1961 erbaute und 1974 erweiterte neuapostolische Kirche war grundsolide konstruiert, jedoch gestalterisch ohne jeden Reiz. Mit dem Zi...

Coenen Sättele Architecten

RdK House

Budel, Netherlands, 2017

Transformation of an existing single house

Zita Cotti Architekten

Ferienhaus Firstweg

Rigi Kaltbad, Switzerland, 2013

Neubau, in Zusammenarbeit mit Samuel Bünzli Zürich. Das Grundstück zeichnet sich durch seine starke Hanglage, den historischen Spazierwe...

Jürgen Pollak | Photographie & Film

Privat House

Germany, 2017

Paradigm Design House

HN Residence

Amman, Jordan, 2020

Rothenfluh & Partner Architekten

Wohnhäuser Fluck

Sempach, Switzerland, 2014

Der Hof "Fluck", auf der Hangkante über dem Sempachersee gelegen, soll neu errichtet werden. Anstelle des Ensembles von Scheune, Bauernha...

Julien Dubois Architectes SA

Villa H.

La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, 2014

Renovation and transformation of a listed mid-19th century terraced house. The aim was to create contemporary spaces whilst also respecti...

Julien Dubois Architectes SA

Villa S.

Cernier, Switzerland, 2018

Private Villa and photo studio.

Meyer Moser Lanz Architekten AG

Umbau EFH Züriberg

Zürich, Switzerland, 2018

Das Reiheneinfamilienhaus an der Susenbergstrasse 147 ist mit seinem Garten Teil des Schlössli-Susenberg-Quartiers, das ab 1909 nach dem ...

Georg Döring

Single-family house in Duisburg

Duisburg, Germany, 2018

A one-storey detached house with penthouse offers room and life for a family of three. The building integrates a double garage with utili...

amplatz architekten & planer

Neubau Villa Bella Vista

Rorschacherberg, Switzerland, 2020

Das zu bebauende Grundstück befindet sich an bester Lage am Siedlungsrand des Rorschacher-berger Weilers Käseren. Während im Osten die ge...


Wohnhaus hoch über dem Obersee

Obersee, Switzerland, 2018

Umfassende Sanierung und Modernisierung eines mehrgeschossigen Einfamilienhauses. Raumtrakte wurden abgetauscht und den Bedürfnissen der ...

noa* network of architecture

Am Steinbruch

Renon, Italy, 2015

The fossilized vineyard | noa* (network of architecture) established, starting from the place – the quarry / Renon, a design concept, whi...

Satoru Ito Architects and Associates

House in Kikuna

Kanagawa, Japan, 2017

private housing

Satoru Ito Architects and Associates

House in Musashisakai

Tokyo, Japan, 2016

an old house renovated

Satoru Ito Architects and Associates

House in Chikusei

Ibaraki, Japan, 2016

a house renovated, which was used to be an old warehouse.

Satoru Ito Architects and Associates

House in Yokohama

Kanagawa, Japan, 2014

private housing

Satoru Ito Architects and Associates


Kanagawa, Japan, 2009

private housing

Parisotto+Formenton Architetti


Italy, 2016

Situata all’estremità nord /est di un lotto di terreno di 4.000 mq posto in una zona amena a ridosso di un centro urbano storico, questa ...

Alexander Brenner Architects

Haus am Wald

Stuttgart, Germany, 2016

The property is located at the end of a small residential road with an existing development predominantly from the 1960s, on the northern...

Wellmann Architekten AG

EFH in Holzbauweise

Otelfingen, Switzerland, 2017

Das Einfamilienhaus in Holzbauweise liegt am Fuss eines Weinberges in der Gemeinde Otelfingen. Die Dachform interpretiert die Typologie d...

Forsberg Architekten AG

Erweiterung Villa In Baden-Württemberg

Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 2017

Projektierung, Ausführung: Forsberg Architekten AG, Basel 
Landschaftsarchitekt: Stauffer Rösch, Basel
 Bauleitung: Höfler & Stoll Ar...

CAS Gruppe AG

Reiheneinfamilienhäuser in Arisdorf

Arisdorf, Switzerland, 2019

WOHNOASE FÜR FAMILIEN Zuhause ist, wo man sich seine kleine Oase schaffen kann. Wohnen im Bodmattrain bedeutet Lebens- und Wohnqualität i...

Takeshi Hirobe Architects

Villa Escargot

Chiba, Japan, 2014

How to “wall in” a space for people? I become more conscious about this question when designing a building in an environment that faces n...

Satoru Ito Architects and Associates

House in Oyamadai

Tokyo, Japan, 2015

private housing

Cell Space Architects

House at Foot of Mountain

Karuizawa, Nagano, Japan, 2017

The compact two-storey villa is located in the grounds of an old villa at the foot of Mount Asama. The plane area, 6.2 m square is rotate...

Cell Space Architects

Butterfly House

Karuizawa, Nagano, Japan, 2015

The house design is highly unusual in that the two roofs are almost triangular in shape with the long side of the roofs roughly approachi...


CM House

Conegliano, Italy, 2017

When a house becomes a reference point for a family, it stops being an object frozen in time destined to inexorable degrade, and becomes ...


F House

Treviso, Italy, 2015

Through the refurbishment of this apartment in Treviso, we wanted to give the space a new spatial definition and a silent shape that coul...

one fine day. office for architectural design

Haus B

Dreieich, Germany, 2017

Haus B is located in in the town of Dreieich, within the vicinity of Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Here the house is embedded in a quite ty...

AZL Atelier Zhanglei

LEI House

Hangzhou, China, 2017

The Eshan Practice has been experiencing its fifth year since 2013, House Lei is the one with the longest construction. Located in Shanyi...

Ueli Sonderegger

Neubau Wohnhaus in Mörschwil

Mörschwil, Switzerland, 2009

Das zweigeschossige Einfamilienhaus liegt in einer St. Galler Gemeinde. Die Gebäudeform folgt der rechteckigen Parzellen- und der Quartie...

SPG Architects

Peconic Bay House

Southampton, USA, 2018

This 5,000 SF 5-bedroom house on the Hamptons’ Peconic Bay is composed of two rectilinear wings that open toward the water with large exp...

SPG Architects

Mamaroneck House

Mamaroneck, USA, 2017

Sitting on a wooded Westchester County site, this 5500 SF house consists of a large kitchen, dining and living rooms, a study, a large ma...

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