
landschaftsentwicklung kroitzsch

Wohnumfeld Helsinkistraße

München, Germany, 2005

Die vier freistehenden Reihenhauszeilen an der Westseite stehen optisch noch in der angrenzenden Obstwiese, die durch locker gestreute Ap...

Karin Standler

Shared Terrace – Badhausgasse, Vienna

Wien, Austria

Three tenants with access to one shared terrace have joined forces in a single project. What was requested was a terrace planned in a way...

Karin Standler

best private plots – Die besten Gärten


Catalogue order Catalogues can be ordered on www...

Karin Standler



Open spaces for young people: teens_open_space In the framework of teens_open_space 30 projects ...

HM White

WCS Center for Global Conservation

Bronx, USA, 2008

HM White has designed a native Bronx landscape habitat for  WCS’s new Center for Global Conservation, a LEED gold certified fa...

häfner jiménez betcke jarosch landschaftsarchitektur

Canceling the middle

Staßfurt an der Bode, Germany, 2007

Staßfurt "Aufheben der Mitte" ein Projekt der IBA Stadtumbau 2010 Dass der Bergbau über seine ...

häfner jiménez betcke jarosch landschaftsarchitektur

Energieberg Georgsweder

Hamburg, Germany, 2013

Der Berg in Georgswerder steht als Synonym für den sorglosen Verbrauch von natürlichen Ressourcen. Als Relikt des Industriezeit...

Plasma Studio

International Horticultural Expo

Xi'An, China, 2011

The World Horticultural Expo has become instigator and hub for the redevelopment of a large area between the airport and the centre of Xi...

Arriola & Fiol

Gran Via de Llevant

Barcelona, Spain, 2007

This is a project to improve the conditions of Gran Via, with greater attention to pedestrians than the motorists. It proposes a new sect...

Urbanus Architecture & Design

Sungang Central Plaza

Shenzhen, China, 2007

The original planning and design of Sungang Central Plaza by another office includes a two-story underground parking of 10,000 square met...

Arriola & Fiol

Parc Central de Nou Barris

Barcelona, Spain, 2007

Architectural skills applied to the urban space have produced a certain degree of uniqueness and newness to the landscape practice, funda...

HAAS Architekten

Schaugewächshäuser im Botanischen Volkspark

Berlin-Pankow, Germany, 2010

Der Botanische Volkspark Pankow wurde als Schulgarten und Gärtnerei der Stadt Berlin bei Blankenfelde 1909 gegründet. Mit den beiden Hoch...

WES LandscapeArchitecture


Hamburg, Germany, 2009

The more time we spent looking around the Reemtsma site, the more it captivated us. We were fascinated by the concept of rescuing the won...

Bulant & Wailzer


Tulln, Austria, 2008

Radfahrer- und Fussgeherbrücke zur Landesgartenschau Geladener Wettbewerb, 1. Preis

HM White

Pierpont Morgan Library

New York, USA, 2006

The Morgan Library urban campus landscape design has been seamlessly woven into its recent expansion  and emerges as the exterior fa...

HM White

St. George Waterfront and Ballpark

Staten Island, USA, 2002

HM White was responsible for developing a comprehensive transformation of Staten Island’s St. George Waterfront into a vibrant publ...

Scenic Architecture

Qing Song Wai Garden

Qingpu, China, 2005

The project locates besides the highway from Shanghai to Zhujiajiao, with a 30,000 sqm green land and two renovated buildings inside. Tre...

FAKE Design

Yiwu South Riverbank

Jinhua, China, 2002

The landscape design of the riverbank started from February 2002, and lasted for one and half years. By early 2004, the construction work...

idealice landschaftsarchitektur

Centrum Odorf Innsbruck

Innsbruck, Austria, 2006

Der öffentliche Platz bildet das neue Zentrum des Quartiers. Gleich einem bespielbaren Teppich wird er zur Pattform des Alltagslebens sow...

DGJ Landscapes

Minihaus - Minimum Impact House

Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2008

Minimum-Impact-House is a holistic approach for the reduction of the overall-impact of residential housing by creating a new type of resi...

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