
3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

809 Arsenal Relics – Hotel

Yichang City, China, 2020

The Revival of the Old Third-Front Renovation of the 809 Arsenal Relics – Hotel Background and original appearance: abandoned for a long...

KBNK Architekten


Hamburg, Alemania, 2019

Mit 6 Erwachsenen und 7 Kindern zum flexiblen Eigenheim 2013 erhielt die Baugemeinschaft Goldbeker mit ihrem familiengerechten und energ...



東京, Japan, 2020

都心の幹線道路沿いに建つ19戸の集合住宅の計画。 生活においてプライバシーを確保したい場所をボリューム(箱)として、解放したい場所を透過性の高い土間空間(孔)として計画している。孔として位置づけられた土間空間は、外部の都市環境と、建物内部の共用部の両方に対して開かれ、都市環...

BDE Architekten BSA SIA

Wohnsiedlung Orenberg

Ossingen, Switzerland, 2017

SIEDLUNG Sechs Häuser gruppieren sich um den zentralen Hof und schaffen eine soziale Mitte. Die Siedlung liegt eingebettet in einer Blume...

BDE Architekten BSA SIA


Baden, Switzerland, 2019

Der Neubau zwischen Badener Altstadt und Bahngleis ist auf drei Niveaus an den öffentlichen Raum angebunden. Zwei Verkaufs- und ein Diens...

BDE Architekten BSA SIA

Wohnhäuser am See

Arbon, Switzerland, 2015

Zwei Neubauten bilden den Abschluss einer Reihe von Wohngebäuden entlang der Seepromenade in Arbon. Die hohen, stattlich proportionierten...

P.GOOD Praschl-Goodarzi Architekten ZT GmbH

Post Quadrat Graz

Graz, Austria, 2020

Das neue Wohnviertel „Alte Poststraße / Feldgasse“ entsteht in einer Umgebung von Einfamilienhäusern, hat eine perfekte Verkehrsanbindung...

Aufzugswerke Schmitt + Sohn GmbH & Co. KG

Rudolfinum Prag

Josefov, Czech Republic, 2019

Zeitlose Werte in geschichtsträchtiger Umgebung. Schmitt + Sohn Aufzüge im Rudolfinum Prag. Das berühmteste Konzert- und Galeriehaus der...

BEHF Architects

Apartment H.

Vienna, Austria, 2019

Imperial Grandeur | BEHF Architects has transformed the interior of a historical bel étage apartment from the Gründerzeit era located in ...

Lindner Group

The Fontenay

Hamburg, Alemania, 2018

Formvollendete Eleganz – Das Luxushotel "The Fontenay" erstrahlt in weißer, schwungvoller Keramik-Glas-Fassade. Ganz im Sinne von hansea...

Melk Nigg Architects

Siedlung Tschampani in Sins, Aargau

Switzerland, 2021

Siedlung Tschampani Sins Aargau, Schweiz Leistungen Melk Nigg Architects Vorstudien Sondernutzungsplan / Gestaltungsplan Architekturleis...

Akasaka Shinichiro Atelier

Curved Wall House

Sapporo, Japan, 2018

This house is located near a historical park in the city of Sapporo. It is one of the regional characteristics of Sapporo that people oft...

UPA Italia by Paolo Lettieri Architects

Mangrove Place

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2014

The development of the terraced tower allowed us to create a form that would break the monotony of the residential towers and compact mon...

UPA Italia by Paolo Lettieri Architects

Al Lesaily School

Al Lisaili, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2021

Al Lisaili in Dubai is the first public school developed in BIM - Building Information Modeling - by MOID, the Ministry of Infrastructure...

UPA Italia by Paolo Lettieri Architects

Masfout Hospital

Masfout, United Arab Emirates, 2014

Masfout Hospital is first 30 bed general hospital prototype built in the Emirates of Ajman for the Ministry of Public Works. Preliminary ...

UPA Italia by Paolo Lettieri Architects

Al Qasim Green University

Al Qasim , Iraq, 2014

The new campus project is located close to Al Qasim, in the Babil province of Iraq. The program of the newly established University shall...

iam interior architects munich

Apartment am Englischen Garten

München, Alemania, 2020

Das von iam sanierte Apartment am Englischen Garten ist Teil eines Mehrfamilienhauses aus den 60er Jahren. Der Grundriss wurde den Anford...

10 Design

Wuhan Baozixi Park

Wuhan, China, 2020

The new public space by COFCO is created to connect the adjacent mixed use development of Joy City with Baozixi Park in Wuhan, China. Act...

10 Design

China-Israel Industrial and Creative Centre

Zhuhai, China, 2021

The Industrial and Creative Centre is a joint development between China and Israel to stimulate future thinking by providing incubator of...

Roland Baldi Architects

Kindergarden Sluderno

Sluderno, Italia, 2018

Child-friendly and sustainable: with Sluderno Kindergarten, Roland Baldi Architects has created a wooden building with a pitched roof, pl...

UPA Italia by Paolo Lettieri Architects

Amman Serviced Apartments

Amman, Jordan, 2010

In the heart of Amman, in one of the most significant location, closer to many touristic project, with excellent view located on the 3rd ...

Roland Baldi Architects

italia&amore Ristorante Mercato Enoteca

Bolzano, Italia, 2017

The restoration work involved the entire building with the flagship store extending over five floors.Each floor featuring a different atm...

Roland Baldi Architects

Lunch room EURAC

Bolzano, Italia, 2017

The Pompeiian red Auditorium, part of the original building complex, has the shape of an oval cylinder and is topped with a dome which re...

Roland Baldi Architects

Fire Station of the Voluntary Fire Department…

Fleres, Italia, 2015

With its striking monolithic façade, characterised by clear and modern design and a deliberate selection of stone, glass and aluminum, th...

Roland Baldi Architects

District Heating Plant

Klausen, Italia, 2007

The district heating plant is located at the edge of Chiusa, on the site of Val Gardena’s former railway station, between motorway, main ...

Roland Baldi Architects

Cultural Center Rosenbach

Bolzano, Italia, 2011

The Cultural Centre is composed of two intersecting areas distinguished both by form and material. A transparent space housing the distri...

Roland Baldi Architects

Angela Nikoletti Square

Bolzano, Italia, 2011

Angela Nikoletti Square is located in the centre of the Rosenbach district and consists of a technical school for social professions, cul...

Roland Baldi Architects

Ropeway Merano 2000

Meran, Italia, 2010

The cable car infrastructure is situated on the margins of Merano and connects the city with the nearby skiing Area of Merano 2000. Auton...

Roland Baldi Architects

Headquarter TechnoAlpin

Bolzano, Italia, 2010

The particularity of the building lies in its facade: the uniform envelope with its opalescent and crystalline shine is reminiscent of sn...

COMA Arquitectura


Barcelona, España, 2012

Rehabilitación de un apartamento con terraza para cortas estancias, con acabados de alta calidad.

COMA Arquitectura

Reforma de 3 apartamentos

Barcelona, España, 2020

Reforma de tres apartamentos con terrazas, mediante criterios de construcción de costes mínimos. Con renovación integral de la distribuci...

COMA Arquitectura

Pergolas y comedor exterior en Liceo Frances

Barcelona, España, 2019

Construcción en madera de una pérgola para la protección solar de una terraza-comedor para los profesores del colegio.

COMA Arquitectura

Casa eficiente unifamiliar de madera

Argentona, España, 2019

Vivienda unifamiliar entre medianeras en el casco antiguo de Argentona. Contiene 1 vivienda de 3 plantas y un patio. Edificio construido ...

COMA Arquitectura

Hostal Ronda

Barcelona, España, 2017

El encargo consiste en reformar un antiguo hos­tal ubicado en un clásico edificio de viviendas del S.XIX, transformando completamente el ...

COMA Arquitectura


Calella de Palafrugell, España, 2015

Rehabilitación de un edificio obra del arquitecto catalán Francesc Mitjans. El proyecto transforma la casa preservando la original atmos...


Blaue Kita Monheim

Monheim, Alemania, 2011

Das Berliner Viertel in Monheim befindet sich im Umbruch. Mit einem Bündel von sozialen und baulichen Maßnahmen will die Stadt Monheim d...

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