
in+of architecture

Ningbo Museum

Ningbo, China, 2005

Location: Ningbo, Zhejiang Site Area: 55.505 sqm Floor Area: 25.014 sqm Client: Ningbo Museum Architect: i...

in+of architecture

Tiantai Museum

Tiantai, China, 2003

0ver the centuries, the coexistence of three religions - Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism - have enriched the landscapes surroundi...

De Bruycker – De Brock

Foundation Jenny and Luc Peire, Museum

Knokke, ベルギー, 2003


Yokosuka Museum of Art

Yokosuka, 日本

Rocco Design Architects Associates Ltd

Guangdong Museum

Guangzhou, China, 2010

The Guangdong Museum is one of four major cultural landmark buildings for the new financial hub in Zhujiang Xincheng (Pearl River New Tow...

GABU Heindl Architektur

Österreichisches Filmmuseum inside/out

Wien, オーストリア, 2008

Das Österreichische Filmmuseum ist berühmt für sein „Unsichtbares Kino“, das den Raum des Vorführsaals in der Schwärze verschwinden lässt...

Jiakun Architects

Luyeyuan Stone Sculpture Art Museum

Chengdu, China, 2002

Luyeyuan Stone Sculpture Art Museum Location: Yunqiao Village, Xinmin Town, Pi County, Chengdu, Sichuan Site Area: 6.67...


Lillehammer Art Museum

Lillehammer, Norway, 1994

From an urban perspective, Lillehammer Art Museum suggests linkages to different scales of context in the formal arrangement of the progr...


National September 11 Memorial Museum Pavilion

New York, アメリカ, 2014

On May 15, 2014, President Obama was present for the dedication of the National September 11 Memorial Museum & Pavilion at the World ...


Dornier Museum

Friedrichshafen, ドイツ, 2009

„Where great pioneers meet!“ Unter diesem Motto entführt das neue Dornier Museum in die Welt der Luft- und Raumfahrt. Rund 400 Exponate g...


Museum of Handcraft Paper

Gaoligong Mountain, China, 2010

The museum is situated in a beautiful landscape next to xinzhuang village under Gaoligong Mountain of Yunnan, a world ecological preserve...

DnA Design and Architecture

Songzhuang Art Center

Beijing, China, 2006

As the first public art facility built in Songzhuang, the well-recognized contemporary chinese art village out of Beijing city, this Art ...



栃木, 日本, 2000

 浮世絵師、安藤広重の作品を展示する美術館。  彼が木版画の中に作り上げた独特の空間構成を建築化しようと考えた。彼はレイヤーの重なりとして、三次元の空間を表現しようと試みた。西洋絵画におけるパースペクティブとは対照的な方法であり、この方法は印象派やフランク・ロ...

Levin Monsigny Landschaftsarchitekten

Liangzhu Culture Museum

Hangzhou, China, 2008

As early as 3,000 years ago people settled in the region along the banks of the Yangtze River. The new Liangzhu Culture Museum was erecte...


Umbau/Renovation Naturmuseum Kanton Thurgau

Frauenfeld, スイス, 2010

Innenarchitektur, Ausstellungs- und Lichtkonzeption

Schulz und Schulz

Lehrsammlung Historische Fahrzeuge…

Zwickau, ドイツ, 2008

In Zwickau werden seit mehr als 100 Jahren Autos produziert. HORCH und AUDI hatten hier ihren Ursprung, zu DDR-Zeiten baute man in Zwicka...


Petter Dass Museum

Alstadhaug, Norway, 2007

Petter Dass was a clergyman and writer who lived and worked in Northern Norway from 1689 until his death in 1707. His poetry and fearless...

Dinnebier Licht

KIT-Kunst im Tunnel

Düsseldorf, ドイツ, 2007

In einem Restraum unter der Rheinuferpromenade, der zwischen den Tunnelröhren für den Autoverkehr liegt, entstand ein spektakulärer Raum ...


Wettbewerb Eltzer Hof

Mainz, ドイツ, 2008

Der vorgefundene historische Quartiersblock ist in seiner Außenkontur klar gegenüber dem angrenzenden Stadtraum abgegrenzt. Der Innenbere...

hg merz architekten museumsgestalter

Neues Mercedes-Benz Museum

Stuttgart, ドイツ, 2006

Das neue Mercedes-Benz Museum verfolgt ein Konzept, das die Geschichte und Gegenwart des Unternehmens und der Marke sowohl in ihrer histo...



Vaduz, Liechtenstein, 2000

Hou Liang Architecture

Ningbo Science And Technology Museum

Ningbo, China, 2004

Time: 2004.08 Location: Ningbo,China Client: Ningbo science and technology association Key dimensions: m2 Cos...

Approach Architecture Studio

Minsheng Art Museum

Shanghai, China, 2008

Project description: This one, again is a redevelopment project converting old industrial building to art museum. P...

Atelier 100s+1

Art Center of Huangmei Opera

Anqing, China, 2005

Project Name: Art Center of Huangmei Opera Location: Anqing, Anhui Building Area: 5.90...



栃木, 日本, 2000



由布院 空想の森 アルテジオ

大分, 日本, 2002



京都, 日本, 1995

FAKE Design

9 Boxes-Taihe Complex

Beijing, China, 2004

After buying the entire development properties from the previous investor, the new developer was eager to transform these 9 houses, which...


Belvedere Museum

Vienna, オーストリア, 2009

The baroque palace was converted into a contemporary exhibition space, and the rooms of the orangery were expanded and connected via a pe...



Frankfurt, ドイツ, 2008

The 19th-century villa and its later gallery extensions can now be experienced as a place of collection and research. The former upper-fl...

Johannes Marburg

Office for Subversive Architecture Kunsthalle

Liverpool, Great Britain, 2006

Jensen Architects

SFMOMA Rooftop Garden

San Francisco, アメリカ, 2008

The SFMOMA’s rooftop garden is an open-air gallery defined by the intersection of sculpture, space and light. The entire back wall ...

MM Video-Fotowerbung

Porsche Museum

Stuttgart, ドイツ

Arch.: Delugan Meissl


Keltenmuseum am Glauberg

Glauburg, ドイツ, 2010

BRIEF: Museum für keltische Kunst in unmittelbarer Nähe zu historischem Grabhügel. ADDED VALUE: Einem freigelegten archäologischen Funds...

Peter Hinschläger Fotografie

Leopold-Hoesch-Museum Düren

Düren, ドイツ

Architekt Anbau und Sanierung Altbau Peter Kulka, Köln

Arriola & Fiol

Museu de la Música Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain, 2007

The project of the Auditori- Barcelona Musical Centre was initiated in the year 1989. The editing of the program predicted one program of...

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