40 Works Shortlisted for EU Mies Award 2022

John Hill | 17. de gener 2022
Image courtesy of European Commission and Fundació Mies van der Rohe

The 532 works nominated for the prize were completed across three years, rather than the typical two, due to the coronavirus pandemic; and they were announced in two batches: 449 works in February 2021 and 85 works following in September. From that list, the jury (chair Tatiana Bilbao, Francesca Ferguson, Mia Hägg, Triin Ojari, Georg Pendl, Spiros Pengas, and Marcel Smets) selected the shortlist of 40 works from which 5 finalists will be announced on February 16, 2022.

The 40 shortlisted works are located in 18 countries, with roughly a quarter of the projects falling under Collective Housing, the most represented typology. Other building types in decreasing order of frequency are Cultural, Mixed-Use, Education, Urban Planning, and Sports and Leisure, among others.

Mrs. Mariya Gabriel EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, responsible for Creative Europe and Horizon Europe:

"Rethinking the way we are building is a must. High-quality architecture is a cornerstone of the European Commission’s approach to sustainability. In redefining European architects' role as caregivers, architecture contributes to the European Green deal and its cultural component: the 'New European Bauhaus.' The EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture - the Mies van der Rohe Award, highlights the contribution of architecture to sustainable development. We need young people, architects, artists, education and cultural professionals, innovators, entrepreneurs and regional authorities from all over Europe to actively engage and benefit from this initiative."

The 40 shortlisted works are listed below in alphabetical order by country with links to the individual projects on the EU Mies Award website. The winner of the 2022 EU Mies Award will be announced at a special event at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion in Barcelona in May.

School Campus Neustift in Neustift im Stubaital, Austria, by fasch&fuchs.architekten (Photo © Hertha Hurnaus)


Wadden Sea Centre in Ribe, Denmark, by Dorte Mandrup A/S (Photo © Adam Mørk)


  • The Malt Factory in Ebeltoft by Praksis; VMB restoration Architects; Kirstine Jensen landscape Architecture; Morten Skovmand Artist; Henry Jensen Engineers
  • Wadden Sea Centre in Ribe by Dorte Mandrup A/S


Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin by David Chipperfield Architects (Photo © Simon Menges)


LocHal Public Library in Tilburg by Civic Architects; Braaksma & Roos architectenbureau; Inside Outside / Petra Blaisse (Photo © Stijn Bollaert)



  • LocHal Public Library in Tilburg by Civic Architects; Braaksma & Roos architectenbureau; Inside Outside / Petra Blaisse


La Borda - Cooperative Housing in Barcelona, Spain, by Lacol (Photo © Institut Municipal de l'Habitatge i Rehabilitació de Barcelona)




The Hill House Box in Helensburgh, UK, by Carmody Groarke (Photo © Johan Dehlin)


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