Energy Ring

Shenzhen, China
Visualització © Beauty & the Bit

Set to open in 2022 on the outskirts of Shenzhen, China, the 112,645 square-metre Energy Ring will be the largest waste-to-energy plant of its kind in the world. The plant will incinerate 5,000 tons of waste each day, generating 550 million kWh each year. To counteract the 15,000 tons of waste that Shenzhen's 20 million inhabitants produce each day, the plant will use advanced waste incineration technological processes. The innovative plant will also showcase China's waste-to-energy sector developments and act as an educational establishment for Shenzhen's citizens.

The project's objective was to design a simple, clean, iconic waste-to-energy plant that represents the forward-thinking developments currently flourishing in China. By presenting a clean circular form, the plant's footprint is controlled, and the amount of excavation necessary for constructing the site is diminished. When complete, the plant will act as an essential facility to counteract Shenzhen's increasing waste production, expected to grow 7% annually.

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Visualització © Beauty & the Bit
Visualització © Beauty & the Bit
Visualització © Beauty & the Bit
Schmidt Hammer Lassen
Shenzhen, China
Shenzhen Energy Environmental Engineering Ltd.
Support Architect
Gottlieb Paludan Architects
Structural Engineers
Schlaich Bergermann Partners

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