The East Village

17. Januar 2011

The East Village

Austin, TX

Esperanza Development Co.

Bercy Chen Studio

Design Principals
Thomas Bercy / Calvin Chen

Project Architect / Manager
Fred Hubnik

Project Team
Fred Hubnik
Calvin Chen
Ryan Michael
Dan Loe
Tom Tornbjerg

Structural Engineer

MEP/FP Engineer
HMG & Associates

Landscape Architect
Mark H Brooks Landscape

Civil Engineering
Martinez Wright & Mendez

Site Area
0.65 acres

Building Area
27, 886 sq. ft.

Ryan Michael

View of the Northeast Corner

Can you describe your design process for the building?

Vernacular precedents and artistic inspiration that respect the particular contemporary contextual conditions have driven this design process.  The design of the building incorporates modest materials in creative and dynamic ways. The upper south and west facades are shielded from the hot Texas sun with a multi-faceted steel panel screen which double as a shading device and guardrails for the residential balconies.  Brazilian artist, Helio Oiticica, inspired the design of these colored screens, which gives the project its iconic visual presence in the urban landscape.  The entire ground level is full height glass mounted in front of a steel structure. This gives the illusion of the entire building floating on cubes of glass. To further enhance the visual “lightness” of the building, the entrance to the site is under a long span steel truss that supports two stories of residential units across a 65-foot span.

View of the Northwest Corner

How does the building compare to other projects in your office, be it the same or other building types?

Like all of the projects that Bercy Chen Studio not only designs, but also builds, The East Village mixed-use project has received the same level of care and attention as any of our residential or commercial projects have.  This includes unique custom glazing, structural elements and forms that push the limits of traditional design and integrated sustainable features.

Solar Screen Detail

How does the building relate to contemporary architectural trends, be it sustainability, technology, etc.?

The East Village relates to contemporary architectural trends in multiple areas: it is a mixed-use project in a revitalized area of East Austin, thus contributing to New Urbanism principles; its solar screens and green roof, which is accessible to everyone, has earned the project a 3-Star Green Building Rating; in addition, other sustainable features include low-e glazing, recycled and recyclable materials, construction waste recycling, passive insect control and low impact native landscaping.
E-Mail Interview conducted by John Hill

View of the Northeast Corner
View of the Northwest Corner
Solar Screen Detail

The East Village

Austin, TX

Esperanza Development Co.

Bercy Chen Studio

Design Principals
Thomas Bercy / Calvin Chen

Project Architect / Manager
Fred Hubnik

Project Team
Fred Hubnik
Calvin Chen
Ryan Michael
Dan Loe
Tom Tornbjerg

Structural Engineer

MEP/FP Engineer
HMG & Associates

Landscape Architect
Mark H Brooks Landscape

Civil Engineering
Martinez Wright & Mendez

Site Area
0.65 acres

Building Area
27, 886 sq. ft.

Ryan Michael

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