Mies van der Rohe Pavilion's Second Reconstruction

John Hill | 31. March 2014
Photo: © Pietro Milici

In recent years the Fundació Mies van der Rohe has invited artists and architects to reimagine Mies's Barcelona Pavilion through some sort of intervention. Chinese artist Ai Weiwei replaced the water of the pools with milk and coffee in 2008, last year architect Andrés Jaque unearthed typically hidden objects from the pavilion's basement, and this year photographer Jordi Bernadó responds to Mies's desire for the building to be photographed without doors. Second Reconstruction moves the glass doors from under the roof and places them on the rear of one of the travertine walls, so in Bernadó's words, "the Pavilion once again becomes, temporarily, what Mies imagined."

Photo: © Pietro Milici

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