Shirin Frangoul-Brückner
Architect, Managing Director
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Shirin Frangoul-Brückner is the managing director of ATELIER BRÜCKNER, which she founded together with Uwe R. Brückner in 1997. According to the motto „making the impossible possible“, she transformed the once small laboratory for scenography and architecture into an internationally leading company in the field of museum and exhibition design. In particular, Shirin Frangoul-Brückner is in charge of the acquisition, contracts and management. The architect studied in Kaiserslautern and Stuttgart and is a member of the DDC (German Designers’ Club).

Britta Nagel
Architect, Partner
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Britta Nagel translates content into space. As an exhibition designer she manipulates the fine line between architecture and fine arts. In 2001 she received a scholarship from the Akademie Schloss Solitude, in 2006 she gained experience as an exhibition designer in England and has been teaching as a guest lecturer at different universities since 2007. Numerous competitions, concepts and drafts, which she largely co-developed, have been realised at ATELIER BRÜCKNER since 1999. In 2008 she assumed the position of project manager for the "Visitors' Center of the European Parliament". Britta Nagel is a member of the Art Directors Club for Germany.

Eberhard Schlag
Architect, Partner
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In his capacity as superior project coordinator at ATELIER BRÜCKNER, Prof. Eberhard Schlag is responsible for the technically innovative and high-quality realisation of our projects. From the early beginnings – since 1997 – the architect, who studied at the University of Stuttgart and Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago, stands for the integrative design of architecture and exhibition at ATELIER BRÜCKNER. Thus, amongst others, the projects Cyclebowl for the Expo 2000 in Hanover and the BMW Museum in Munich bear his handwriting. As an internal supervisor and coach he passes his long-term experience in the realisation of complex projects on to the team of ATELIER BRÜCKNER. Eberhard Schlag teaches at the faculty of architecture and design at the Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung Konstanz.

René Walkenhorst
Architekt, Partner
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René Walkenhorst ist seit dem Jahr 2017 Partner im ATELIER BRÜCKNER. Als Projektdirektor verantwortet er die Entwicklung und Steuerung komplexer Bau- und Ausstellungsprojekte – weltweit. Er hat langjährige Erfahrung in Planung und Realisierung hochwertiger Innenarchitektur und versteht es, die zum Teil sehr großen und heterogenen Teams aus internen und externen Mitarbeitern, Wissenschaftlern, Fachplanern und Firmen souverän zu führen. Bei seiner Arbeit legt er gleichermaßen Wert auf die Qualität der Materialien und der Ausführung wie auf die optimale Betreuung der Kunden – vom Entwurf bis zur Eröffnung und darüber hinaus. René Walkenhorst zählt seit 2005 als Projektleiter zum Team des ATELIER BRÜCKNER; seit 2009 gehört er, zunächst als Assoziierter, der Geschäftsleitung an.