Photo © Dieter Leistner

The central building is named after the physicist and Nobel laureate Otto Stern. Its narrow elongated structure incorporates a library, lecture halls, cafeteria, conference areas and a foyer and forms the center of the new campus. It is mainly inspired by the strong connection between the train station and Campus Riedberg.

With the relocation of the university life sciences and the Max Planck Institute (MPI) to Campus Riedberg a synergistic collaboration in research and teaching is initiated with a positive effect for the university. The research activities range from the traditional fi elds of zoology and botany, to the cellular and molecular biosciences. The results are state-of-the-art laboratory facilities with an integrated animal house, located to the east. The Biologicum building is divided into four parallel elongated structures, which towards the west connect to a main circulation axis. Approximately 10,000 sqm usable fl oor space accomodates twelve research-based work groups. There are also classrooms and lecture rooms, seminar areas and a cafeteria. The Goethe University is an internationally-renowned center in the fi eld of structural biology, the science of three-dimensional structure of biologically important molecules. As part of the Excellence Initiative of the Federal Republic of Germany Gerber Architekten have built the Institute for Macromolecular Complexes with highspecification laboratories for the departments of physics, biochemistry, chemistry and pharmacy, life sciences and medicine. Towards the south, the site of the Excellence Cluster adjoins the Biologicum building, which is also designed by Gerber Architekten. The Excellence Cluster is organized around a terraced courtyard and thus encourages communication and interdiciplinary exchange.

2004 - 1. Prize

2008 - 2011

Building costs expected
32,2 Mio. €

18.283 m²

Gross volume
74.963 m³

Prof. Eckhard Gerber

Prof. Eckhard Gerber, Arnold Brückner, Kirstin Fried, Manuela Perz, Marius Puppendahl, Siegbert Hennecke u.a.

Photo © Dieter Leistner
Photo © Dieter Leistner
Photo © Dieter Leistner
Photo © Dieter Leistner
Photo © Chistian Richters
Photo © Dieter Leistner

University for applied sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt

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Schweinfurt, Germany

Other Projects by Gerber Architekten 

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Nobel Quran Oasis,
Al Madinah al Munawarah, Saudi Arabia
IC – Ruhr Universität Bochum
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Olaya Metro Station
Riad, Saudi Arabia
King Fahad National Library
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