Lena Kleinheinz
Exhibition Designer | Managing Director
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Lena Kleinheinz is a distinguished designer. Her experience and expertise in mechanically moving and portable structures combined with her knowledge of high tech materials enables the practice to explore and develop a diverse and sustainable portfolio of work. Prior to co-founding Magma, Lena worked for two years as a senior art director and project manager for the Swiss National Expo.02 where she designed and curated the multi-million pound exhibition, Heimatfabrik; she then spent three very productive years with the Danfoss Universe Interactive Science and Technology Park in Denmark. Here she had overall responsibility for the main curatorial projects within the 5.5 hectare site. Lena also lectures and has held the position of Visiting Professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Detmold, as well teaching at the Technische Universität München and Chalmers University in Gothenburg.

Dipl.-Ing. Martin Ostermann
Architect | Managing Director
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Martin Ostermann studierte Architektur an der RWTH Aachen, der Bartlett School of Architecture und der Architectural Association in London. Vor Gründung des eigenen Büros arbeitete Ostermann für sechs Jahre bei Studio Daniel Libeskind, wo er als Projektleiter für das Imperial War Museum North, sowie das Jewish Museum San Francisco, das Honkong Media Centre und die Ausstellung zum Hiroshima Peace Prize verantwortlich war. Im Jahr 2012 erhielt Martin Ostermann eine AIA Board of Directors Citation als Anerkennung für seinen Beitrag zum neuen Masterplan für das World Trade Center in New York. Martin Ostermann ist Mitbegründer und Partner bei magma architecture. 2003 war er Lehrbeauftragter an der TU Cottbus. Seit 2013 lehrt er an der Chalmers University in Göteborg, Schweden.