The exhibit presents the historical events between 1958 and 1961 – the diplomatic Berlin Crisis, the building of the Berlin Wall, the Panzer tank confrontation at Checkpoint Charlie and the impending nuclear war. The goal is to give visitors from all over Germany a unique opportunity to personally relive the world-changing events of the period and, simultaneously, to experience the pervasive climate of constant danger and uncertainty. The architectural forms and original artifacts help underscore this persistant atmosphere of conflict and mutual intimidation. Creating a dialectic between somber and aggressive installational forms, the space plays with the visitor's perceptions of fear, anger, and even, at times, helplessness.

Key artifacts in the exhibit include the Khrushchev-Ultimatum, the tip of one of an original surviving atomic bomb, and an authentic façade from the guardhouse at Checkpoint Charlie. The historical timeline is further highlighted and contextualized through original film sequences and newspaper clippings.

350 m² GFA

Architecture Services LPH 1-9
Artifact/Exhibit Presentation
Graphic Design
Media Design

Production Timeline
March 2011 – August 2011

August 2011

Allied Museum Berlin

Mila Hacke, Berlin, Berlin

Like a Tinderbox! The Berlin Crisis and the Construction of the Wall

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AlliiiertenMuseum Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Other Projects by neumann schneider architekten PartG mbB 

The Savage Eye
Oslo, Norway
Myth of Olympia – Cult and Games
Berlin, Germany
Schönheit im alten Ägypten
Trier, Germany
Göttinnen des Jugendstils
Karlsruhe, Germany
Neugestaltung Dauerausstellung und Foyer
Braunschweig, Germany