EWE Arena

Oldenburg, Germany
Photo © Dietmar Strauß

The Grand EWE Arena was built in direct proximity to its little sister, the Minor EWE Arena which was completed in 2005. This new multifunctional hall replaces five old halls on an area of 3000m² that were demolished in the scope of the modernization of the hall complex „Weser-Ems-Halls“. The 18m high building, with a footprint of approx. 130m x 70m, is mostly used for sports events and concerts, offering space for 4,200 to 8,000 visitors depending on the event. The hall was built in reinforced concrete, with the stand components essentially consisting of prefabricated parts.

The very detrimental building ground situation required all building loads to be discharged into the load-carrying-capable building ground via piles. The roof construction of the hall was designed as a two-axis framework steel grid that is supported on fixed concrete columns in every other axis. In a second building section, the existing convention hall was extended by a 500 m² and 7 m high foyer. In direct proximity, a two-storey administrative building was constructed for the employees of the Weser-Ems-Halls. The approx. 68 m x 22m building was constructed in reinforced concrete build.

‘asp‘ Architekten, Stuttgart

Stadt Oldenburg

Gross area
12.000 sqm

Gross volume
60.000 cbm

Auszeichnung zum Deutschen Solarpreis 2006

Photo © wh-p
Photo © wh-p
Photo © Dietmar Strauß
wh-p Ingenieure
Oldenburg, Germany

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