research - Studie und Forschung als sub Stadtrandportrait

Kulturlandschaft Steyr/OÖ
Photo © Standler

Securing the landscape & space – saving building

Very often extensions of residential areas in conurbations do not take sufficient account of the consequential use of acreage, land as a resource and open spaces. It was the task of the study “Securing the landscape by way of space-saving building” to maintain green areas by way of space-saving building at the example of the pilot community of Steyr. Requirements for space-saving building were formulated on the basis of the green area and open spaces analysis and its resulting green area concept. These considerations are fundamental for using land efficiently and for saving resources and thus for avoiding any further urban sprawl. The core target of the project was to elaborate adjusted strategies and basics of sustainable land use management. They are based on the recommendations and measures of the green area concept and include criteria for sustainable building as well as recommendations for the city development concept derived from it, the revised version of the land allocation plan as well as the determination of land development plans and settlement limits.

The example of the master plan for the “Jägerberg” residential area at Steyr shows that high-quality open space planning and a type of building development rooted in the landscape will increase the quality of life for the residents. It is forward-looking in terms of city ecology and it allows a sustainable and cost-conscious urban development.

Landscape Architects
Karin Standler
Land OÖ - örtliche Raumplanung und Stadt Steyr
Stadt Steyr, gefördert durch die Aktion "Flächen sparenden Baulandentwicklung in Gemeinden” des Landes Oberösterreich
Arge Österreichisches Ökologieinstitut und Technisches Büro für Landschaftsplanung Karin Standler

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