Savings and Loan Bank Allgäu Kempten

Kempten, Germany
© Roland Halbe

On Residenzplatz square in Kempten, continuing the neighboring historic building "Lange Stände", the Sparkasse bank are completing their new headquarter. The sensitive transition towards Stadtgarten park and the integration of part of the Weidlehaus, another historic house, require a most precise insertion of the building. Around an inner yard, a compact administration building is growing, facing Residenzplatz with four stories and Stadtgarten with five. The first floor will hold the new customer hall. Story-high façade elements, of different widths and arranged at differing angles, and made of architectural concrete, endow the new headquarter with appropriate proportions as well as an autonomous position within the historic context.

Sparkasse Allgäu, Kempten

8.800 sqm

© Roland Halbe
© Roland Halbe
© Roland Halbe
Auer Weber
Kempten, Germany

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