Past Present Future II: Renzo Piano Building Workshop

John Hill
10. julio 2019
Antoine Chaaya and Joost Moolhuijzen (Photo: Stefano Goldberg, courtesy of RPBW)
Rendering of Beirut History Museum in Beirut, Lebanon (Image © RPBW)

Antoine Chaaya, born in Lebanon, joined RPBW in 1987 and became a partner in 1997. Joost Moolhuijzen, born in the Netherlands, joined RPBW in 1990 and also became partner in 1997. Both architects reveal in the "Past" clip how they were inspired by Piano's work before they joined his office. Chaaya asserts in the "Present" clip that the office uses simple language to explain their projects; the Beirut History Museum (image above), for instance, uses its location between the Martyrs' Square and an archaeological site to bridge the latter's distant past and the former's recent past. Design for the well-being of people and the environment is a concern for Moolhuijzen in the "Future"; he senses a movement in this regard but would like to see greater strides made in retaining those qualities of well-being in the face of practical considerations.

Watch the interviews below or on Itinerant Office's Vimeo page.




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