'Muon' Meditation

John Hill | 13. septiembre 2018
Photos via Japan-Architects blog

Muon moves meditation from the temple to a contemporary, specialized space that can be used before or after work, or even in the middle of a stressful day. The project, spotted on the Japan-Architects blog, illustrates one of the many gems hiding in the city that is home to nearly 10 million people. In this context maybe Muon — by definition a subatomic particle that comprises much of the universe's cosmic radiation — is a fitting name, just as ON design's forest of light is so well suited for meditation.

A narrow, dark corridor leads to Muon.
Leave jackets, valuables and, of course, cell phones in the lockers before entering the meditation space.
Participants select a pillar of light to focus on and sit next to it on a cushion prepared for them.
Izumi Okayasu Lighting Design wrapped wrapped square acrylic pipes with a thin slice of maple illuminated by LEDs.

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