Foto © Barbara Feichtinger-Felber

The new bridge for pedestrians and cyclists over the Rhône in Lyon – la passerelle de la Paix - reveals the landscape and urban changes. This portion of the river is part of the development of the city to the North. The footbridge links the conference centre ‘Cité Internationale’ and St. Claire as well as two major parks on each side of the river, the Parc de la Tete d’or and the Parc of Saint Claire. It forms a landmark that is first seen from the highspeed rail track entering Lyon.
The bridge spans over the river with a free span of 157 meters. Two cantilevers built of a three dimensional asymmetric tube structure join in the middle of the river. The structure is extremely slender and offers a maximum of transparency.
Two walkways lead to the riverbanks. The major one on top links the quay level, it is five meters large and divided into a bicycle lane and a footpath facing towards the city.
The second walkway follows the lower arch of the structure and links the lower riverbanks. In the middle of the river the two paths join and form a large public space offering a fabulous view.
Residents can now enjoy a leisurely stroll across the water, selecting one of two routes; the first begins at quay level and is divided into a bicycle lane and footpath while the second walkway follows the lower arch of the structure and meets the top path in the centre of the bridge. At this point the structure widens from its standard 5m-wide span to 8m and offers benches for users to sit and enjoy the view.
The structure consists of two arches formed of tube sections, which create the bottom chord, and a boxgirder which creates the top chord; top and bottom chords are linked and stiffened by triangular steel elements and diagonals to create a truss structure. The elements of the three truss girders change their relative positions across the length of the bridge.
To ensure optimum usability, the bridge has been constructed using oak wood with anti-slip features and handrails with integrated LED lights. Additional lighting illuminates the Passerelle de la Paix when night falls to highlight this elegant new addition to the Lyon cityscape.

Competition 2006 (1st competition)
2008 (2nd competition)
Start of planning 02 | 2009
Start of construction 05 | 2012

Total Length 220 m

Width 1,5m / 5m / 8,8m

Foto © Barbara Felber-Feichtinger
Foto © Michael Zimmermann
Foto © Michael Zimmermann

Passerelle de la Paix

 Volver a la lista de Proyectos
Lyon, France
Communauté Urbaine de Lyon
sbp gmbh, BET structure
Aerodynamic studies
Wacker Ingenieure

Otros proyectos de Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes 

Footbridges over the Seine River
Paris, France
Passerelle de Franchissement du Bassin de Commerce
Cherbourg, France
Sécurisation des abords de la tour Eiffel
Paris, France
Centre sportif Hector Berlioz
Vincennes, France
Centre hospitalier 'Klinikum am Wörthersee'
Klagenfurt, Austria