Santi Mañero

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Se incorpora a nuestro estudio en 2006, como un gran generador de imágenes y videos generador por ordenador.

Mo Segura

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Entra en el estudio en 2008 como nuestro puente a la comunicación en redes soviales, publicaciones, entrevistas....

Helena Torres

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Empieza en nuestro estudio el año 2007, el día después de acabar los estudios en la ETSAV.  Ha sido la arquitecta-directora de los proyectos de la EEC (Iglesia), la To-De House y el BCH en Bahrein. Además es colaboradora permanente en casi todos los proyectos en nuestra oficina.

Jon Tugores

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Jon was born in Lancashire G.B. in 1968, raised in Mallorca and Barcelona where he became an architect and a university professor. HE shares a genuine passion of the ‘tempo’ of big urban cities and the fragrance of the slower village attitude. Always curious, he is highly awarded since university. Lecturing and teaching worldwide at institutions and numerous schools of architecture, from Barcelona ETSAV, ESARQ, Elisava, to the NYIT New York Institute of Technology, UOC in Canada, UDF Ferrarra ,Italy.     

Jon has lived in London, Mallorca, NY, Dallas, Berlin, Madrid, Vienna and Bahrain.

Devoted worker, grew up under the influence of Jorn Utzon, Pearl Jam, Monty Python, Kevin Smith, Eduardo Mendoza, Airbus, the Mediterranean food…

Young and talented architects that he knew previously as his students usually feed his team. including permanent collaborations with friends Prof Juan Ramón, philosopher and Mika Utzon, Danish artist as counterparts in the design transversal brain-storming sessions.