Albino Freitas
Architect DPLG
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Born in1964 in Braga (Portugal); lived in France between 1970 and 1991.
Master of Architecture (accredited by the government) by École d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville in 1994.
Collaborator in several architecture offices, in Paris, from 1988 to1991.
Albino Freitas integrated the Topos – Atelier de Arquitectura, Lda.in 1992.

Margarida Oliveira
Architect DPLG
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Born in 1959 in Braga (Portugal).
Master of Architecture (accredited by the government) by École d’Architecture de Nantes, in 83.
Collaborator in Architect Michel Cormier’s atelier from 1981 to1982, between 1983 and 1984 in AIA (Architectes Ingénieurs Associés), between 1984 and 1986 in architect Jean Marie Lépinay’s atelier, in Nantes.
Margarida Oliveira and her husband run their own atelier “Topos-Atelier de Arquitectura, Lda.” since 1986.

Jean Pierre Porcher
Arqchitect DPLG
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Born in 1955 in La Roche-sur-Yon (France).
Master of Architecture (accredited by the government) by École d’Architecture de Nantes, in 1981.
Collaborator in C.E.R.M.A. (Centre de Recherches Méthodologiques d´Architecture et d’Aménagement) between 1981 and 1982.
Responsible architect for project in Architect Charles Choisel‘s atelier from 1982 to 1986, in Nantes.
Jean Pierre Porcher and his wife run their own atelier “Topos-Atelier de Arquitectura, Lda.” since 1986.
Parallel to his activities as an architect, he also dedicates himself to painting and sculpture.