World Building of the Week

Pritzker Military Archives Center

Jahn/ | 30. septembre 2024
Photo: Tom Rossiter
What were the circumstances of receiving this commission?

The Pritzker Military Archives Center was a direct commission based on the interviews of three architects. Our presentation was as much about the building as it was about the spaces between buildings and the importance of landscape.

Photo: Tom Rossiter
Photo: Tom Rossiter
What is the inspiration behind the design of the building?

The building is inspired by our continued interest in designing high-performance buildings as well as celebrating the military. The structure is rough, with exposed bolts and unground welds similar to the amphibious landers of World War 2 that inspired the basic shape of the building. The glass enclosure is precise and disciplined like the military and it celebrates the contributions of the citizen soldier.

Photo: Tom Rossiter
Photo: Tom Rossiter
How did the site impact the design?

The 17.5-acre site was largely agricultural. Some regrading was required to realize the landscaping and it was largely achieved through the excavation for the basement. The landscape was developed to complement the building, its basic military idea, and as a place for the community to enjoy its walking paths. The landscape design utilizes native species reclaiming what was once prairie.

Photo: Tom Rossiter
Photo: Tom Rossiter
To what extent did the owner, client, or future users of the building affect the design?

The design and planning of the building resulted from the owner’s initial program and was refined as the building design developed. This included the addition of a small exhibition space — elevating the building to a public and cultural institution celebrating the contributions of the citizen soldier.

Photo: Tom Rossiter
Photo: Tom Rossiter
How does the building relate to other projects in your office?

The building is the continued exploration of simplicity, higher performance, and the idea of a constructed attitude; that is that the construction of the building is easily understood.

Email interview conducted by John Hill.

Photo: Tom Rossiter
Photo: Tom Rossiter
Project: Pritzker Military Archives Center, 2023
Location: Somers, Wisconsin, USA
Client: Archives & Armory of PMML WI LLC
ArchitectJahn/, Chicago
  • Design Principal: Helmut Jahn
  • Project Architect: Philip Castillo
  • Project Manager: Tobias Dold
  • Project Team: Graham Bowman, Dan Cubric
Structural Engineer: WSP
MEP/FP Engineer: Cosentini
Landscape Architect: O2
Lighting Designer: RBDLI
Contractor: Pepper Riley
Facade Contractor: Glass Solutions Inc
Glass Manufacturer: Viracon
Site Area: 17.5 Acres
Building Area: 48,400 sf
Construction Photo: Tom Rossiter
Photo: Tom Rossiter
Drawing: Jahn/
Drawing: Jahn/
Drawing: Jahn/
Drawing: Jahn/
Drawing: Jahn/

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