Vote for Building of the Year 2019
In 2019 we presented more than forty Building of the Week reviews of projects in the United States. It's your turn to help us crown a Building of the Year by voting for your favorite before the end of January. The winner will be announced the first week of February.
The 43 projects in the running include many single-family houses, that ever-popular ingredient in the American landscape, but also educational and cultural facilities, recreational buildings, offices, apartments, a surprising number of wineries — even a small building on wheels. As in other years, it's a rich mix of projects that reflects the diversity of the United States and the architects practicing there.
Visit the voting page on to cast a vote for your favorite project. Deadline is January 31st, with results presented on our website on February 3rd.
Throughout the year, buildings are selected by our editors after seeing them firsthand, coming across them online or in print, or hearing about them directly from architects. Know of a project you'd like to see as a Building of the Week in 2020? Just email us for consideration. and are also holding votes on their respective platforms for their "Bau des Jahres." Visit them to see more great projects and cast more votes: