Foto © Guilherme Lunardelli

Located in a residencial condominium near São Paulo City, Brazil, this 1.500 square meters house, was concepted
for a daring lifestyle, with spatial integration and spaciousness emphasis.
The architecture project has been developed to integrate the whole house to the beautiful lake and the landscape of the condominium, creating distinct blocks, according to their functions as entrance, living areas, bedrooms and services, acomodated in 2 diferent levels, intercomunicated by two stairs, for service and social purposes.
The social stair, set on the 7,00 meters high entrance galery, is a large and hanging slim steel structure, covered with wood, that gives a dramatic spacial idea.
With connected ambients dinner, living, fireplace, terrace and decks, barbecue and spa, every of this rooms are opened to the exterior side and enjoy the lake view, through glass and aluminium slipperies panels, providing a lot of interior light and favoring the union between interior end exterior.
Few walls, larger open spaces and a lot of transparency, details absence, straight lines, lack of color and a lot of texture variation were the directives that defined the whole process of decisions on the realization of the project and the construction.
The contrast between dark and light was explored at maximum, and to keep this plastic uniformity, the definition of finishing materials was meticulously estudied, working with plain white walls, natural brazilian stones like black granit, ebony wood on walls and floors and external “itauba” deck wood floor.
The absence of doorspots at pivot doors and glass walls promotes wide ambiences, emphasizing the daring house design.

Foto © Guilherme Lunardelli
Foto © Guilherme Lunardelli
Foto © Guilherme Lunardelli

Altri progetti di Simone Mantovani Arquitetura 

EN Residence
Terrace for The Acropolis - Greece
MGR Residence
Baroneza Residence
Rabieh Art Gallery