BAU 2019 - Architecture, Materials and Systems - Impressions
Free Guided Tours with 4 Architects and Designers – in cooperation with BAU Munich World-Architects organized 4 BAU Guided Tours with Philip Norman Peterson, André Schmidt, Ulrike Brandi and Werner Frosch. Each of them showed highlights of BAU 2019, the leading trade fair for architecture, materials and systems. The tours started at Hall B0 and lasted approximately 2 hours.
17. January 2019 Tours

#01 Guided Tour : Philip Norman Peterson «Façade: Land of Unlimited Possibilities»
- Holzer Kobler Architekturen, Zurich, Berlin |
Visited booths:
DETAIL research LAB | Jansen AG | Aluprof S.A. | sedak GmbH | iconic skin | Glas Trösch AG & Co. KG | panoramah! | Colt International GmbH | Lauster Steinbau | Deppe Backstein-Keramik GmbH
Façade: Land of Unlimited Possibilities
"Join me on a tour through the maze of the BAU 2019. Together we will discover the unlimited possibilities of the façade according to your demands. Bring all of the issues that seem to limit your potential for your façades and we will journey to discover the solutions. I will guide you to a selected group of international producers of some of the world’s finest façades. Together we will find real solutions for your most challenging endeavours. World-Architects and myself are looking forward to an exciting, successful and rewarding tour of the BAU 2019." Philip Norman Peterson

#02 Guided Tour : André Schmidt «Ingredients for networked living and working»
- MATTER Practice for Architecture and Urbanism, Berlin |
Visited booths:
DETAIL research LAB | GEZE GmbH | Zehnder Group | Albrecht Jung GmbH & Co. KG | Schmitt+Sohn Aufzüge | panoramah! | Glas Marte GmbH | feco-feederle GmbH | Vola GmbH | Lindner Group KG | Heinze Cobiax GmbH
Ingredients for networked living and working
"Due to increasing digitization, the clear separation between living and working is disappearing. Urban spaces and infrastructure are used differently today and a mixture of public and private space is emerging. How can architects, designers and urban planners react or act on these formative and urgent topics? What ingredients are available to us to make our future more tasty? Our Guided Tour will examine products that help us develop new solutions in the areas of living and working and urban space." André Schmidt
January 18 Tours

#03 Guided Tour : Ulrike Brandi «Daylight Yes! Yes! Yes!»
- Ulrike Brandi Licht, Hamburg |
Visited booths:
DETAIL research LAB | Merck KgaA | sedak GmbH | iconic skin | Okalux GmbH | Saint-Gobain Glass | Colt International GmbH
Daylight Yes! Yes! Yes!
"My guided tour is dedicated to natural light. Smart buildings “consume” more daylight then artificial light during daytime. To balance the input of light and the reflection of heat; to choose an adequate daylight system is the challenge in the cooperation of architects and lighting designers. We will visit different manufacturers of daylight systems and products. We will see practical examples and the “state of the art” in daylight." Ulrike Brandi

#04 Guided Tour : Werner Frosch «Buildings and processes»
- Henning Larsen, Munich, Copenhagen (HQ), New York, Riyadh, Oslo, Hong Kong, Faroe Islands |
Visited booths:
DETAIL research LAB | Schüco | Roma | Fraunhofer Institut | iconic skin | Digital Twin | Digital Village | Faro Europe | Anker flooring | Vola GmbH | Petersen Tegl | Lindner Group KG
Buildings and processes
"The digitalization of planning- and building methods and processes is an important topic on various discussions and conferences in Germany. How are we going to plan in the future? Which impact has BIM? And how can there be a closer collaboration between planning, the products and the executing companies? We will have a look at products and digital solutions for refurbishments and new constructions, 3D printing, virtual reality and the topic “form follows material”. On our guided tour, we also want to search for ideas and inspirations, how these new methods can contribute to make buildings even more sustainable." Werner Frosch
- Feedback and requests
- Peter Petz |