PechaKucha at Martyrs'
John Hill | 27. juni 2014
Petra Bachmaier of Luftwerk. Photo: John Hill/World-Architects
In addition to the keynotes, lectures, discussions, exposition and other opportunities for architects to learn at the AIA Convention, there are also the parties. Last night we attended the PechaKucha at Martyrs' in the North Center neighborhood.
A few of the highlights from the rapid-fire, 20-slides-at-20-seconds-each presentations were Peter Exley's collection of autographs, Petra Bachmaier's impressive site-specific installations, and Dan Wheeler's neatly cluttered house, the antithesis of the minimalism espoused by architects (and presented by Carl Sergio earlier in the evening, coincidentally). We had a great time and we highly recommend readers attend a PechaKucha in a city near them – now with over 700 cities worldwide!
Dan Wheeler of Wheeler Kearns. Photo: John Hill/World-Architects