- Architektur & Kulturelle Identitäten
Publikation der Universität Liechtenstein, Institut für Architektur & Raumentwicklung
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- Jo Coenen
This introduction to Jo Coenen, one of the most important and committed figures
in contemporary architecture, has a polyphonic, choral nature. In keeping with the
nature of his work and personality, these pages will develop into a multigraph –
rather than a monograph – about his work, making room for numerous voices,
including that of Jo Coenen himself and his vision of architecture. - ler mais

- that is all arch
Criticism without Critics in the Age of Google Images
published in Metageschichte der Architektur Andri Gerber (Ed.), 2014 - ler mais

- materialegno 04
L'abitare intenso
vivere nel legno, un ambiente adatto a tutte le stagioni - ler mais

- materialegno 01
Oltre i cliché
possibilità e risultati inattesi del legno in architettura - ler mais

- Italy Now? Country Positions in Architecture
Edited by Alberto Alessi
Foreword by Mohsen Mostafavi - ler mais
- Editora: Cornell AAP Publ., Ithaca

- Architettura di-mostra
Published as part of the exhibition
Architettura di-mostra 1 - ler mais