Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners

3 World Trade Center

Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners | 26. junho 2018
View of 3 World Trade Center from One World Trade Center (Photo: Joe Woolhead)

Project: 3 World Trade Center, 2018
Location: New York City
Developer: Silverstein Properties
Architect: Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, London
Architect of Record: Adamson Associates
Structural Engineer: WSP USA
MEP Engineer: Jaros Baum & Bolles
Security Consultant: Ducibella Venter & Santore Robert
Exterior Wall Consultant: Vidaris
Construction Manager: Tishman Construction Corporation

Aerial view of 3 World Trade Centre in context (Photo: Joe Woolhead)

At 1,079 feet tall, 3 World Trade Center is a prominent new tower on Manhattan's skyline and RSHP’s first built project in New York. The tower is located at 175 Greenwich Street, opposite the National September 11 Memorial & Museum at the heart of the Financial District in downtown Manhattan. RSHP’s tower is the third building to complete on the World Trade Center (WTC) masterplan site developed by Silverstein Properties.

3WTC in March 2018 (Photo: Joe Woolhead)

3 World Trade Center is an 80-story commercial building and contains 2.5 million-square-feet rentable space above ground, five floors of retail including at ground level and links direct to the state of the art new World Trade Center transportation hub. The tower connects to underground pedestrian concourses that lead directly to eleven subway lines and the PATH trains to New Jersey.

3WTC viewed from the 9/11 Memorial (Photo: Joe Woolhead)

The design of the exterior bracing not only works to provide the building’s stability but also allows 3 World Trade Center’s tenants the flexibility to create work spaces with column free corners that suit the particular needs of modern businesses. Additionally, the bracing adds scale and grain to the building and creates shadows; the interplay of light from the reflection of the stainless steel changes the building’s coloration.

Clouds reflected on the facade (Photo: Joe Woolhead)

The lower part of the building – the ‘podium building’ – contains the tower’s retail element and the trading floors. ‘Live’, active façades, at street level, enable the free-flowing movement of shoppers. There are two below ground level retail levels and three retail levels above the ground floor, served by two lifts and four stairwells.

Greenwich Street entrance looking north (Photo: Joe Woolhead)

There is a 5,500-square-foot landscaped garden terrace on the 17th floor and another two smaller garden spaces on the 60th and 76th floor – set to be Manhattan’s highest – which overlook the Memorial park with views of the entire lower Manhattan area. The terraces provide opportunities for tenants to meet and encourages a sense of community and wellbeing within the building.

Lobby view north (Photo: Joe Woolhead)

Green design features such as LED lighting used throughout the lobbies to aid energy saving and perimeter lighting controls which enable 68% of daylight to be used as it reacts to the current daylight and reduces energy output. These are incorporated to reduce costs compared to typical Manhattan office buildings. The building has been awarded a LEED Gold Certificate from the U.S. Green Buildings Council.

Turnstiles and elevator lobby (Photo: Joe Woolhead)
Site plan (Drawing: Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners)
Ground floor plan (Drawing: Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners)
Floor 6 plan (Drawing: Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners)
Floor 15 plan (Drawing: Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners)
Floor 46 plan (Drawing: Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners)
Floor 62 plan (Drawing: Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners)
West elevation (Drawing: Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners)
East elevation (Drawing: Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners)

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