26 March 2025
New York, NY, 美國
Events, Lectures
Collective Stewardship: Richard Serra In Memoriam
Join us for an evening of stories from architects Richard Gluckman NA (Gluckman Tang), Hiroshi Okamoto (OLI Architecture), and Galia Solomonoff (SAS/Solomonoff Architecture Studio; formerly of OpenOffice), reflecting on the challenges and lessons...
25 March to 27 March 2025
Stuttgart, 德国
Fairs + Conferences, Events by World-Architects
SPOTLIGHT - das event für architektur + licht
Aus AID »Architektur & Ingenieur im Dialog« wird das neue Format SPOTLIGHT. In Halle 4 treffen sich Expert*innen aus Architektur, Design, Ingenieurwesen, Gebäudeplanung sowie Hochschulen zum interdisziplinären Wissenstransfer und...
27 March 2025
Boston, 美國
Events, Lectures
Larger Landscape Conversation: Preservation’s Present
Who decides which buildings and landscapes should be preserved as an element of cultural heritage? How might preservation practices be more socially inclusive, equitable, or democratic? As our cities and their existing buildings store significant...
27 March to 28 March 2025
New Haven, CT, 美國
Events, Lectures, Fairs + Conferences
Discrepant Circulations
As questions of mobility become more prominent in architectural theory and history it is time to rethink circulation, a term that has long shaped how the field conceptualizes movement. Circulation is more than a synonym for the spaces through which...
to 29 March 2025
London, Great Britain
General, Exhibitions
Difficult Sites: Architecture Against the Odds
Architects often produce their finest work when confronted with the challenge of designing for a difficult site.Our latest free exhibition explores remarkable feats of architectural achievement in the face of tricky terrain, awkward urban plots,...
to 30 March 2025
Brussels, 比利时
General, Exhibitions
Envision a world without architecture, a world-tecture without arche, the latter meaning not only beginning or origin, but also the authority to arrange and subordinate persons, objects, and processes into an identifiable power...
to 3 April 2025
Bologna, 意大利
La Fondazione Centro studi per l’architettura sacra “Cardinale Giacomo Lercaro” ETS ha la sua sede in un edificio un tempo appartenuto a un ordine religioso femminile e sorto per dare asilo ai bambini delle lavandaie che svolgevano il loro lavoro nel...
to 4 April 2025
Zürich, 瑞士
General, Exhibitions
Look at a Leopard Through a Pipe
Look at a Leopard Through a Pipe: Visualizing Sigfried Giedion's Modernism in Chinese Book Culture 1952–1982“Modern” architecture, introduced in China at the end of the 19th century, gradually replaced traditional construction methods. With the return...
4 April to 6 April 2025
Marfa, TX, 美國
General, Events, Lectures, Fairs + Conferences
Art, Architecture, and the Middle Landscape
“Art in Context: Art, Architecture, and the Middle Landscape” is the latest in a series of symposia presented by The Chinati Foundation. Since 1995, Chinati has organized six symposia—each one focused on a particular aspect of the museum’s mission or...
8 April 2025
Cambridge, MA, 美國
Events, Lectures
John Hejduk Soundings Lecture: Kengo Kuma, “Return to Nature”
Architecture must bridge the gap between human life and the natural environment, an ethos deeply ingrained in Kengo Kuma’s philosophy. Kuma prioritizes harmony with surroundings, using materials like wood and stone that are not only sustainable...
to 17 April 2025
Milano, 意大利
Franco Albini M1 – Storie di una linea rossa lunga oltre 60 anni
La Fondazione Franco Albini, dieci anni dopo affida nuovamente a Marco Marzini la curatela della mostra sui ‘60 anni della M1, coinvolgendo anche i fotografi di Under Milano.Celebrazione del progetto della Linea 1 del 1964 e racconto del percorso del...
21 April 2025
New York, NY, 美國
Events, Lectures
The Kenneth Frampton endowed symposium: Housing and Domesticity
With Michael Bell (GSAPP, Bell-Seong Architecture), Anthony Clarke (GSAPP, BLOXAS), Mario Gooden (GSAPP, Mario Gooden Architects), Laurie Hawkinson (GSAPP, Smith-Miller + Hawkinson), Juan Herreros (GSAPP, estudio Herreros), Eric Bunge (GSAPP,...