The exhibition ‘Wind Blows, Water Rises. Exploring Urban Transformation in the Pearl River Delta’ by Shenzhen-based architect Doreen Heng Liu and her office
On June 25, Álvaro Siza will celebrate his 90th birthday. The Portuguese architect is still active, designing and constructing projects in various locations around the world. An exhibition titled Two Towers is on display in Berlin until early July, showcasing two of his projects that...
In the exhibition Translated Traditions – Public Courtyards and Urban Platforms at Aedes Architecture Forum in Berlin, Shanghai’s Scenic Architecture Office shows how it translates traditions.
When we visited Mother's House, Robert Venturi's icon of postmodernism in Philadelphia, and told the resident, Agatha Hughes, that we were from Berlin, she replied, "How is Kristin?" That was in 1992. Since then, her fame in architectural circles has only grown. On July 1, Kristin Feireiss...
Mexican architect Tatiana Bilbao just wrapped up a mentorship with Luísa Sol as part of Germany’s Forecast Festival. Now Bilbao is the subject of an exhibition opening on May 14 at Aedes Forum and her practice is designing a monastery outside Berlin. Ulf Meyer spoke with Bilbao about these...
The Norwegian office of Mad arkitekter, the subject of Mad About Dugnad – Work Together, Build Better, a new exhibition at Aedes Architecture Forum in Berlin, has great concepts — and a ways to go.
Sergei Tchoban – Lines and Volumes: Encounters with the Architect, Artist, Collector and Museum Founder is a new book of conversations between curator Kristin Feireiss and Russian-German architect Sergei Tchoban, who has practices in both countries but, as the subtitle makes clear, is...