照片 © Manuel Herz Architekten
照片 © Manuel Herz Architekten

Rights on Carpet

San Francisco, 美國
Swissnex San Francisco
Manuel Herz, Penny Alevizou

The project "Rights on Carpet" is a carpet of about 150 square meters representing four important humanitarian treaties: the Geneva Conventions, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. These texts are written on the carpet and illustrated by drawings and iconography. The carpet thus begins to stimulate and trigger discussions and debates on the theme of humanity. It becomes an architectural means of promoting exchange between people.

以下出品方的其他项目 Manuel Herz Architekten

Babyn Yar Synagogue
Kiev, Ukraine
Sur Ses Épaules
Lyon, 法國
Synagogue Mainz
Mainz, 德国
Tambacounda Hospital
Tambacounda, Senegal
Ballet Mécanique
Zürich, 瑞士