Davines Cosmetics Company Headquarters
Parma, 意大利
A village, a glasshouse, a factory. Melting traditional rural shapes and innovative volumes around a greenhouse. Functionality and welfare of employees.
- 办公楼
- 展览台 + 摊位
- 农业 + 农场
- 学习中心
- 机构 + 实验室
- 研究部门
- 文化中心
- 技术中心
- Administration Buildings
- Conference + Congress Centers
- 位置
- Parma, 意大利
- 年份
- 2018
- 客户
- Davines
- Interior Design
- Molteni Dada
- Interior Design
- Monica Signani Interior
- Landscape Design
- Tommaso del Buono