ENERVIE Headquarter
Hagen, 德国
LED-LightLine | Eye-catcher + Signpost
Luminous lines when darkness falls. Sometimes an eye-catcher. At other times showing the way. They accentuate entrance areas or emphasize architectural contours. Lightlines can be integrated in façades and floor spaces – they are always an optical highlight.
- For public spaces, façades, entrance areas
- Straight or curved versions
- Safe to walk or drive in for vehicles with air-filled tires
- Implementation in variable applications from user-friendly
small applications to building automatism systems
- Perfect homogeneous lighting
- Light colours monochrome, optional: multicolor
- Manufacturers
- TTC Timmler Technology GmbH
- 位置
- Hagen, 德国
- 客户
- Mark-E AG, Enervie Group
- Light Planner
- LichtKunstLicht, Bonn/Berlin